Thursday, August 18, 2011

Nantucket to Canada 400 miles

This well done 10 minute video was taken by Dan . ( is at the bottom of the blog.!!! you can't place items with this software pics post to opt and vidoes post to bottom!!!) Some of the facts are not quite right. The mast is 63 feet from the deck and 70 from the water. To see info about about Whats Up Doc go to the stats page at the bottom of the blog
Brant Point lighthouse the entrance to Nantucket Harbor. We arrived about 19:00 after a windless sail from southwest Marthas Vineyard.

The car ferry from Hyannis chasing us in the the sun sets.

Belle on her way out for a sunset cruise with spiffy uniformed crew. 1910 vintage. see her dockside below.

Amazed by the boats in the harbor Nick Dan and Marco scan the beauty speed and money around them. ( few boats show all three). Where's Brian?

The docks are not like last November when we were the only boat in the basin.

cottages for $600 a night

This was our old dock for five days. nothing under 80 feet here.

So we're by the Dockmasters with the small boats.

This is the Nantucket boat basin and cottages. Dock master house is at 9 o'clock on the edge of photo. our spot last fall was at 4 o'clock and now we are by the Dock Master.

After a great shower at one of several shower rooms in the basin, we
were quickly off to Queequeg's for another great meal. Just as good as last November. Dan digs in.

Marco and Nick were impressed.

and despite no smiles Brian's was even more pleased esp with the size of the bowl in the the amount of chicken in the bowl. But he did get filled up.

On the way back to the boat.

and here is Belle again, resting at the dock.

this dog slept with one eye open watching everyone go by.

Some people don't quite plan correctly for the 8(?) foot tides.

Notice the boat behind the listing boat. Notice the Cooper on the back. She had two large jet skis in the back hatch. I did not know they made jet skis that big. The boat's name is INDISCRETION. about 120 feet but Espresso III parked next to us was 160.

We passed all these boats on our way to breakfast. At the same corner cafe with great oatmeal. than to the Nantucket Chandlery. Nick's first visti to a chandlery. Got line for the tramp, snap shackles and 5200.

Brian on the post

Marco had to leave for a family emergency. Brian and Nick went to the Whaling museum and Dan took a bike ride around the island. Commander's weather said the wind would pick up this evening so I made plans to leave for Nova Scotia at 23:00. We moved the boat to a mooring as i did no want to pay $240 for 4 hours on the dock ( we arrived at 19:00 but had to check out at 11:00. ANd they wanted to charge me another $240 to leave at 23:00. While they toured the town, I worked on the boat scrubbing the bottom for 2 hours. The water was clear and 78 degrees. They returned by 17:00 and we did some preparation.

Dan and Brian prepared the halyards.

Nick and Brian fixed up the bow sprit so we could use the asymmetrical as the screecher was out of commission. See "Fall River to Nantucket".

Tribe was our neighbor on the mooring this is a 62' Gunboat made in South Africa homed in Newport watch go to you tube and search "GUnboat fastest" to see a great video of her sister. I think tribe is owned by the owner of gunboat.

All kinds of interesting folks dinghy by.We think one was Nigel Calder but not sure. He knew his cats though. Spotted us a a fast Crowther.

These girls seem to be doing to each boat. Nick and Brian may have been interested in having them coming to our boat.

Which they did!!! Turns out they were tweenies - very cute tweenies at that- serenading for cash donations.

One was the driver one the fiddler and violinist and one was the music stand.

But alas!! Nick was up the mast!!! working on the spinnaker halyard!!! bu the did hear them.

He did have a smile on his face. The view was great even without the girls. but that seemed to occur every time he went up the mast which I think was three times. Thats about 25 feet from the hounds to the top and 65 feet from the deck to the top. He forgot to take a camera each time. Nick , you have to help me bring her back to Nantucket and we'll get a picture next time on Nantucket from up there.

And Brian loved pumping him up there.We loved watching Brain do it with one arm. Never switching arms. Good for the biceps and deltoids he remarks He did switch arms for the second hoist.

This is a top climber but Nick preferred to be locked in with the main halyard. There was none other that went to the top. Nick inspected the top and retrieved the screecher halyard so it would be easier to go up again rather than undo and redo the main halyard.

Brian got a good workout.

Nick is down safe and sound.

A boat a girl and a dog. Windigo also a neighbor a 60 footer from Newport but not the one I can find on the web There is a Windigo on facebook but it is a wooden sloop with wooden spars also in Newport harbor. I asked these folks for their email so I could send this shot and 5 others but I lost it so if anyone know this boat let me know.

Then another boat comes into view blocking our view of Windigo. The assets on the boats in Nantucket harbor are impressive.

very impressive

These fellows agree and they are on that fine boat.

Sunset arrives.

Tribe a gunboat at sunset. Best Cats around if you can afford them.

Looking for more assets?

I head into town while others nap Great Burger at the nantucket Tavern. back by 20:45 for a 2 hour nap and cast of at 23:00. After a long low wind 4-5 knot motor we get some wind and end up scooting the gut at 10-12 knots. Dan and I are the onlyone up for sunrise.

Then sunrise out of sight of land for the first time for Dan and Brian.
We saw finback whales from a distance. and heard one close up at night. We flew the assymetrical in 6-8 knots of wind and it straigntened out the new snap schackle I had jsut bought at the nantucket Chandlery. It released and and came down just as we were hitting 10 knots boat speed again. Once more up the mast for Nick. This time in mid ocean. The crusie was much mor emotoring than I am used to doing bu tIwanted to be ther in plenty of time to decommision the boat We left at 23:00 Sunday night and arrived at 11:00 Wednesday morning. 423 miles in 60 hours. Not bad for light winds most of the time.

dan steps forth for his night shift. Monday was ineventful until the night when we watched three powerful T storms all night as we approached the tip of Nova Scotia. At 5AM sharp i called commanders weather and he advised to slow down from 8-9 knots and head west a little to tuck in behind the storms. Worked great. the angle shifted east so we almost overshot sable island and may have gotten sucked by the tide up the west coast, Bu the tide does not effect us too much. 8o miles up to coast to go

Sunny day and line work by Nick he sure likes to whip and splice just like me. Great crew.

Brain was impressed with the expanse of the ocean. His muscle was very useful over and over again. nausea only milde and covered by a scope patch. I , on the ohter hand got seasick and barfed when I had to eval the failed generator at night in rough seas Tuesday night. Turns out is was a blown water pump impeller with 50 hours on it. All arms broke off. I recovered by AM with a scope patch on.
Dan did a great job changing the impeller for my. I guess age or something has caught up with me as I have been seasick only tiwce on Whats Up Doc. Both when inside and down below and both times in the last two offshore trips. So I will use scope patches in the future.

Looking for Canada blew in at 10-13 knots. after a foggy night watching fishing boats on radar and AIS on colision course but passed astern by 0.5 miles. THE NOTHING rain blobs on the great new radar sweep over us. Not one drop inside the cabin the whole trip/summer! Carnival Glory passed us on the stbd by about a mile at night in the fog and never saw her.

This video gives a good appreciation of the boat under sail. Jib and double reef main with 10 k boat speed 12 knots of wind true at 70 degrees and 14 knots apparent at 50 degrees. The mast is 63 feet not 53 from the deck 70' from the water.

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