Friday, August 12, 2011

Arrival in Canada

here we are awaiting Customs in Lunnenberg,NS

We on the dock of the Atlantic Fisheries Museum $57 / night!! some different than the $250 in Nantucket. Of cousre no water or showers or electircity but still a great deal.

Stitched 4 pics for this view of Museum

the boat astern

The boat ahead are both museum boats. open for tours.

Too bad Kysa and Tyler aren't here for a pic. They could fit in here too even now.

We're happy to be off the boat Brain Dan and Nick

this is a model of a fish trap like the one we hit in Rhode Island. Notice th emodel 60 ft boat

a 90 mm harpoon gun with exploding shell loaded. No chance

strange figurehead. no Bust

Dan at Nick's first legal drink location. Good apple crisp.

Leaving Lunneberg and the Atlantic Museum 6am

early rowers

Ocean racer monohul _____

Nick Windt at the helm August and a wool cap! The final days leg 504 miles in all.

Seal in upper mahone bay

all the waterfront was beautifully maintained

The Crew David Nick Brian Dan - best crew I have had overall - On the dock Nova Scotia

Chester Nova Scotia

Chester Nova scotia

Chester Nova Scotia

Chester Nova Scotia

On the dock 4 days and then out she comes

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